Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Love of God Eliminated My Cancer

My name is Fatima, and I had cancer that was so unbearable that I thought of taking my own life.  With few options left to me, I decided to attend the Nazarene church in my neighborhood.  In a very short time, things began to change. I was welcomed in the church; however, I felt useless because I couldn’t walk normally.  I wanted to join the Jesus Film team to help evangelize and plant churches but was unable to due to my sickness.

One day the team was going to show a film about a 1 ½ hour drive away. I wanted to go but was worried about being able to handle the distance.  After prayer, I joined the team, and I’m so glad I did!  While watching the film and seeing Jesus heal many people, I asked Jesus to heal my body. God heard my prayer and He touched my body physically.  Today I am completely healed!  Praise the Lord.  I am following my King and Lord wherever He may lead.  By the grace of God I am also teaching a Sunday School class.

As if I Was Raised from the Dead

My name is Ruby and I am 47 years old.  When my husband abandoned me and our 16-year-old son for another woman, I began to hate myself and others around me.  In the neighborhood where I live, people feared me.  I was very bitter and everyone knew it.  I didn’t have any close friends.  I began to look for another man, hoping to find someone who would love me unconditionally.  Yet, the opposite happened, and I was hurt even worse.  Although I realized what a poor example I was for my son, it was very difficult for me to change.

Soon another man, much younger than I, appeared in my life.  Instead of helping me, he was a constant pain, causing me many problems.  Every time he came over to my house, he asked me for money to support his vices.  Because of my abusive past, I began to fall apart emotionally.  My life was in ruins.

In the midst of this desperation, I began to look for help in a Nazarene church in my neighborhood.  The same day I went to visit the church, people were leaving to show the Jesus Film in a plaza nearby.  What a blessing it was for me when they invited me to see the movie in the plaza.  I never imagined that this evening I would meet the best friend I could ever have.  I felt the presence of God in these folk and befriended them immediately.  They all were so happy, full of optimism.  That evening I accepted Christ as my Savior and brothers from the Nazarene church prayed for me.  It was as if I were raised from the dead!

Today I know that God planned all of this and I am the happiest woman in the world.  I don’t need a man to give me happiness, peace, and joy because being with Jesus surpasses all men.  He is the love of my life and the most beautiful husband in the universe.  I am now serving in the church as a Sunday School teacher.  Glory be to God!

Daddy, I Can See! I Can See!

A few months ago, Carlos Romero had a distant friendship with Pastor Rodrigo Olmedo.  The pastor invited Carlos to attend a church service in the San Francisco Church of the Nazarene in Quito.  This church was the very first church that was started using the Jesus Film in Ecuador.

During the service, Carlos and his wife accepted Jesus as their Savior. Yet, the testimony doesn’t end there.  Carlos has a 22-year-old son named Andres who had moved to Germany about three years ago.  Last month, Andres returned on vacation to visit his family in Quito.  Andres had a problem with his eyes; his vision was about fifty percent below normal.

One Sunday Andres visited the church and was straining to read the words on the screen in front of the church.  The letters were very blurry.  Andres felt led to pray, asking God to help him to be able to see the words clearly.  A miracle happened.  He said, “Daddy, I can see! I can see!”  The father let loose a shout of joy, along with the rest of the church. Andres received a miracle from God in the first Jesus Film Church of the Nazarene in Ecuador.  His sight was restored.