Friday, April 09, 2010


This testimony happened two months ago in the Road to Life Church of the Nazarene in the neighborhood of Chillogallo in Quito, Ecuador.  This church was planted by the Jesus Film ministry.

My name is Guillermo and I am 72 years old.  About a year ago, my wife died.  A few days after her death, I was diagnosed with cancer.  I was devastated and decided to stay in my home.  I didn’t want to eat, bathe or do nothing.  Life had lost all of its meaning.

Marcelo, my son, attended the Road to Life Church of the Nazarene in Quito.  One day he arrived at my house with the pastor of the church and said, “Papa, we want to pray for you.”  At first I was reluctant, but finally conceded.  The pastor first spoke about the importance of salvation and then spoke about my physical health.  I ended up accepting Jesus as my Savior.  During my entire life, I had never heard the true message of salvation.

At that instant, my spirit was revived, and I took a bath!  The following day I went to see my doctor who ran some more tests.  He was astonished to see that there were no longer any signs of cancer!  He couldn’t find cancer anywhere.  Jesus had healed me.  Being elderly, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to live.  But for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  Every week I faithfully and joyfully attend church.  I give thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to testify about his power and love.  Christ lives!


This testimony came from the Eucalyptus Church of the Nazarene in Quito, Ecuador.  This church was planted with the Jesus Film ministry.
My name is Fabiola Gavilanes.  Years ago I joined the Jehovah Witness church hoping to find purpose and joy.  However, while I was with them, I never experienced a personal relationship with Christ.  To make matters worse, I had problems in my marriage and was on the verge of divorce.  I was emotionally unstable to the point of neglecting my children.  I was so caught up in my commitment to the teachings of the Jehovah Witnesses that I neglected the material interests of my family.  The elders knew about my situation but didn’t think it would be that bad if I divorced.  Perhaps later when my husband became a Jehovah Witness then I could return home.  They also said the most important thing was my spiritual life, not the studies of my children.  I just needed to be more committed to them and to God.

When I made the decision to leave this cult, I was publicly scorned and ex-communicated from the church. This was very painful.  However, in the midst of pain, God sent to me Pastor Bolivar Rodriguez from the Eucalyptus Church of the Nazarene.  He spoke to me about Jesus and salvation in a way that was very different from the Jehovah Witnesses. He helped me to receive Jesus and today I feel God’s peace in my heart.  I give praise to God for all that He’s done in my life.

My husband and two of my children have also been baptized.  I give thanks to God for the unity that my family now has.  Christ is our new Head.  I also give thanks to God for Pastor Bolivar and his wife.  God used them to heal my heart and to expose the false doctrines of the Jehovah Witnesses.

Today I want to follow God’s call to preach the Good News to all.  Because of this, I am going to take classes and study to fulfill this calling.  I’m trusting in Christ, for the battle is not mine, but the Lord’s.


My name is Melvin and I am 15 years old.  (He is pictured above in the yellow shorts.)  I am the only one in my family who has an education.  We didn’t have money to send my siblings to school, so therefore, I was their teacher. My siblings aren’t very proficient in reading and writing.

My mother has never overcome the death of my father, perhaps because she saw him murdered.  It’s not easy for me to talk about this.  I cry often.  My mother is even worse.  Her emotions are very damaged.  Once she took poison and I had to ask the neighbors for a ride to rush her to the hospital.

One day the Jesus Film was shown on my street and they invited me to accept Jesus.  That evening I surrendered all my pain and bitterness to Him.  I invited Jesus to come into my broken heart.  Time has passed and with God’s help and the support of my church friends, my pain is slowly diminishing.

For a long time I’ve wanted vengeance against those that took my father’s life.  But now God has given me compassion towards them and I’m asking God that they too may receive Jesus as their personal Savior.  God has filled me with His love and removed all my hatred towards them.  It is a feeling that I can’t describe.  I’ve asked the brothers of the church to bring back the Jesus Film to my neighborhood and to pray for my mother.  Perhaps, one day she too can be saved.


Greetings Brothers and Sisters. I am Segundo Pita and I am 44 years old.  About eight months ago, my family and I turned our lives over to the Lord our God.  I have been very happy since that day.  My family and I believe in Jesus more than any other thing.

I’ll never forget the day that the Jesus Film came.  I have a small store which is located across from a plaza.  The day of the film, I saw a lot of people in the plaza and thought to myself, “I am going to sell a lot of items from my store tonight.”  I was happy thinking of the money I’d make, but never imagined that my true happiness would come from Jesus, knowing that He is Lord of my life and my family.
In truth, I had problems both in my business and in my home.  Worst of all, there was a deep emptiness in my heart.  But Jesus fixed everything that evening.  I never dreamed that through a simple movie God could save me.  Today I am firmly rooted in Christ and the Church of the Nazarene.  Glory to God.  “Thank you Lord for changing my life.”

Evangelism Brigades that Establish God’s Kingdom

Central Church of the Nazarene in the city of Armenia, Colombia, continues to plant new missions, groups, and future churches.  During this past month, they have planted two new churches in two different areas called Girasoles and Virginia.

Pastor Jacinto replies, “Evangelism Brigade” is the term to describe what God is doing—a form of reaching people in a unique way.  For example, recently a lady who was involved in witchcraft approached an evangelism team asking them to pray for her.  She had been thinking of committing suicide.  They prayed and God set her free, and today she is attending a small group in the Virginia community.  We give glory to God because the Jesus Film has been a great tool to reach people.  We will soon open two more churches so that we can gather the new believers together in the name of Jesus.

You Need to Choose

For the last year, the church of Bocas Curry has been reaching out in the southwest zone of Colombia.  They have planted ten new cell groups with about 14 people in each group, totaling about 140 new people.  One of the tools used to plant new cell groups is the Jesus Film.

The seeds sown during the past year are now beginning to bear fruit.  God is raising up new leaders from these groups.  A lady named Magnolia came to know Christ through the Jesus Film.  As soon as Magnolia accepted Christ she felt opposition from her roommate. Her roommate continued to harass her about her decision to follow Christ.  She gave Magnolia an ultimatum:  “You need to choose between Christ or me.”  Magnolia replied, “You shouldn’t say this because if I were to choose, I’d choose Christ over you.”  A year has passed since that day, and Magnolia lost her roommate and friend; however, she is one of our best leaders in this new zone.  Magnolia has received the support of her family, but her friend still has not yet come to God.  Please help us pray for Magnoilia, her friend and these new cell groups.