Friday, April 09, 2010

You Need to Choose

For the last year, the church of Bocas Curry has been reaching out in the southwest zone of Colombia.  They have planted ten new cell groups with about 14 people in each group, totaling about 140 new people.  One of the tools used to plant new cell groups is the Jesus Film.

The seeds sown during the past year are now beginning to bear fruit.  God is raising up new leaders from these groups.  A lady named Magnolia came to know Christ through the Jesus Film.  As soon as Magnolia accepted Christ she felt opposition from her roommate. Her roommate continued to harass her about her decision to follow Christ.  She gave Magnolia an ultimatum:  “You need to choose between Christ or me.”  Magnolia replied, “You shouldn’t say this because if I were to choose, I’d choose Christ over you.”  A year has passed since that day, and Magnolia lost her roommate and friend; however, she is one of our best leaders in this new zone.  Magnolia has received the support of her family, but her friend still has not yet come to God.  Please help us pray for Magnoilia, her friend and these new cell groups.