Daddy, I Can See! I Can See!

A few months ago, Carlos Romero had a distant friendship with Pastor Rodrigo Olmedo. The pastor invited Carlos to attend a church service in the San Francisco Church of the Nazarene in Quito. This church was the very first church that was started using the Jesus Film in Ecuador.
During the service, Carlos and his wife accepted Jesus as their Savior. Yet, the testimony doesn’t end there. Carlos has a 22-year-old son named Andres who had moved to Germany about three years ago. Last month, Andres returned on vacation to visit his family in Quito. Andres had a problem with his eyes; his vision was about fifty percent below normal.
One Sunday Andres visited the church and was straining to read the words on the screen in front of the church. The letters were very blurry. Andres felt led to pray, asking God to help him to be able to see the words clearly. A miracle happened. He said, “Daddy, I can see! I can see!” The father let loose a shout of joy, along with the rest of the church. Andres received a miracle from God in the first Jesus Film Church of the Nazarene in Ecuador. His sight was restored.
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