A Man Who Slept in a Coffin Finds Christ
This story has impacted us greatly. Cesar lived by himself and was a dirty beggar who sifted through garbage, looking for recyclables to sell. He lived in a cave, had a metal door, and slept in a cement coffin. He built his bed as a coffin because he always thought about his death. He commented, “I slept in a coffin because my life was like death. I never knew if I would live until the next morning. I was alone and wanted to have my place ready if I were to die.”
When Cesar attended a Jesus Film showing, the film impacted his life. Christ died for this drunken beggar regardless of his lifestyle. In his simple way, Cesar accepted Christ as his Savior and faithful friend. Today he doesn’t think about death, but about eternal life in Christ Jesus. Things in his cave have changed as well. He attends church services on a regular basis. Praise God!