Cell Group Flourishes after Film Showing
Barbara de Avila lives in Flor de Bastón, a small town located on the coast of Ecuador. When the Church of the Nazarene showed the Jesus Film in her town, Barbara came. She hungered for the Word of God and accepted Christ as her Savior following the film. Immediately she asked the pastor if she could hold Bible studies in her house. Now, every week a group of believers meet.
Juan, her husband, didn’t care for the study group and would leave the room when they arrived. He even threatened Barbara saying, “If you don’t terminate this study, I’m going to move out of the house.” Unwaveringly, she prayed with the church and sought to improve her testimony. One day, Juan felt trapped and couldn’t leave the room before the study started. Before they concluded, he heard the Word of God and accepted Christ as his Savior, asking his wife and children to forgive him.
Today, Barbara and Juan have one of the strongest cell groups in the church! They are serving the Lord in humility and with a newly found, heavenly joy in their hearts. Blessed be the name of Jesus!