A Young Man Finds a Great Friend

One evening, when the Mount Sinai Church of the Nazarene projected the Jesus Film in their neighbor, a group of teen boys stood on the street corner making fun of the film. The pastor introduced himself to the group and told them he would like to be their friend. He also spoke directly to Alex who seemed to be the leader. Little by little the heckling diminished and the group began to watch the movie. At the end of the movie, the pastor told the group that they may want to leave because he was going to give an invitation to the crowd. Yet, when the pastor gave the call to accept Jesus, Alex was the first one to come forward. He looked like a bum, with earrings in his ears, nose, and mouth and with tattoos all over his body.
One month has past since this event, and Alex has been faithful to attend church. He even went with the youth group to an indigenous community to do missionary work. Alex testified, "Thank you pastor for presenting me to the best friend that I could ever have--Jesus! My life was in pieces and my home was hell. Now I have new hope, new family, new friends, and a new life.”
One month has past since this event, and Alex has been faithful to attend church. He even went with the youth group to an indigenous community to do missionary work. Alex testified, "Thank you pastor for presenting me to the best friend that I could ever have--Jesus! My life was in pieces and my home was hell. Now I have new hope, new family, new friends, and a new life.”
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