A Man Accepts Bread but Receives the Bread of Life
Recently a Jesus Film team hiked with film equipment to a high location because they didn’t have transportation. Suddenly one of the team members said, “I see something in the brush; it appears to be a person.” They found a man who was sunburned and appeared to be a beggar; yet, his clothes were too nice for a beggar, only dirty.
When asked who he was, the man replied, “I’m not from here. I am going to another community because I beat my wife and her relatives are looking for me to kill me. I haven’t eaten in days since I fled from my home.” When asked why he hit a woman, the man answered, “I was intoxicated and didn’t realize what I was doing. I want to die.”
The team invited the man, Javier, to come with them. They gave him water and bread which he devoured very quickly. After walking about 500 meters he inquired, “What are you going to do with these boxes?” Wanting to encourage him they replied, “We are carrying a very special man inside these boxes.” Very much surprised Javier retorted, “Who is this man and what is his name?” “Jesus,” they answered. “Jesus,” he repeated.
“Yes, and He is able to help you,” a team member continued. “Do you know Him?” Javier shared that he had a photo of Jesus that he adored in his house, but it never helped him to overcome his vices.
“Have you received Jesus as your Savior? He is the only One that can change your life.”
“What do I have to do?” Javier asked.
“You just need to respond with a simple prayer. Would you like to do that?”
“Yes, I want to.” With tears in his eyes, Javier prayed in his own words, asking forgiveness for everything he had done and accepted Jesus as Savior.
We arrived at our location and Javier helped us set up the equipment and invited people to watch the film. He was with us for two days and afterwards returned to his own house, a man totally transformed. Javier testified, “God has changed me and I’m not the same. I will go back to my home in the name of Jesus and seek forgiveness from my family and the community for all the bad things that I’ve done. Soon I will share with them the Good News. Thank you, my brothers, for everything.”
Eight days later team members went to see Javier. He was with his wife and his small son. They appeared happy and everything was well. Javier and his family now attend a small group in the church. Glory be to God.
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